


The art of onboarding

The art of onboarding

The art of onboarding

May we help each other meet mutual expectations, so we can stay together, ideally for a long time.

May we help each other meet mutual expectations, so we can stay together, ideally for a long time.

May we help each other meet mutual expectations, so we can stay together, ideally for a long time.

New colleages on onboarding
New colleages on onboarding
New colleages on onboarding

Through years of recruiting hundreds of candidates, it happens that we fail, and the new colleague is only around for a short time. Sometimes it's natural and undramatic, but it's painful, nonetheless. "Easy come, easy go" doesn't apply to people.

When what we sell and the reality they experience don't match, we have to introspect, no matter the reason. Why didn't we meet their expectations? Perhaps we didn't follow up well enough, maybe we were too quick in the onboarding process. Likely, we were too boastful about what we could offer.

I hate not meeting the expectations of new colleagues. I feel nauseous. My stomach hurts. I get embarrassed.

Perhaps it was simply not an optimal match. That's fair, but we must learn.

Now we have 30 colleagues on onboarding, and it makes me extremely happy 😁.

It's a time of celebration and joy to welcome new minds and hearts into the workplace. They are here because they have something to contribute with us.

May we help each other meet mutual expectations, so we can stay together, ideally for a long time.

11 August 2023
