


What makes talented people

What makes talented people

What makes talented people

Where good people live, good people come. I repeat this often, because it's true.

Where good people live, good people come. I repeat this often, because it's true.

Where good people live, good people come. I repeat this often, because it's true.

People at the Refill summer party
People at the Refill summer party
People at the Refill summer party

In my role, awareness is crucial.
We should attract, hire, develop, and retain talented people.

Talented people want to work with talented people.
Talented people, in my world, are also decent people.
You don't become the first without the latter.
Not with me.
Nor in the Staccosphere.

Recently, we gathered the people for knowledge and celebration.
There, I was shown that we succeed with the above. It makes me ridiculously happy.

We have behind us a year of significant organic growth and several acquisitions. We have grown out of the city and out of the country. Anyone who has seen something similar knows that it hurts (when buds burst, indeed).

It costs to be ambitious.
That's why it's so nice to come out on the other side and celebrate where we've come.

Without the help of anyone but colleagues who go the extra mile, we had a day for the memory books.

Iselin Lindheim StorhaugEivind Kjellevold, and Espen Thomassen Sæverud, this one goes out to you.

And thanks to Sølvrev for capturing the magic for us.

10 July 2023
