Portfolio management system
The large volume of data to be reported, together with the complex nature of the calculations involved, require reliable and efficient solutions.
Our portfolio management system (Escali Financials) and integrated reporting solution (Escali Supervision) are tailored to meet supervisory reporting requirements.
The way forward
Both investment portfolio management and supervisory reporting involve data from multiple sources. Our software enables the automation of the prosesses involved.
Market and portfolio data can be automatically imported, and integrated systems help streamline the gathering of information for supervisory reporting. This is the way forward.
Pension and insurance reporting modules
Supervisory reporting tool
Solvency II reporting
EIOPA reporting
Portfolio management system
Integration with existing system
A team with industry expertise
Escali Supervision
Escali Supervision is a reporting program used by insurance companies for Solvency II reporting and by pension schemes for EIOPA reporting. It has full support for quarterly and annual reports required by the regulators.
Large amounts of data need to be reported accurately. Comprehensive validation rules place great demands on both content and format. With the help of Escali Supervision, you can easily gather data from multiple sources, ensuring the necessary information is in place for submission to the regulators.
Escali Financials
Our portfolio system helps you manage investments in a simple and efficient way. The system meets international requirements for investment management by pension funds and insurance companies.
Process experts
Our team has a wealth of experience and industry insight, ready to help you create effective digital solutions. We understand everything needed to implement systems which will transform your portfolio management and supervisory reporting.
Connect to learn how we can help you with supervisory reporting solutions.