Treasury Management

TMS for the energy sector

The energy sector has used Escali Financials TMS for more than 20 years. The system is fully integrated with your ERP system and covers the most used accounting standards such as IFRS and US GAAP.

Treasury Management

TMS for the energy sector

The energy sector has used Escali Financials TMS for more than 20 years. The system is fully integrated with your ERP system and covers the most used accounting standards such as IFRS and US GAAP.

Treasury Management

TMS for the energy sector

The energy sector has used Escali Financials TMS for more than 20 years. The system is fully integrated with your ERP system and covers the most used accounting standards such as IFRS and US GAAP.

Some of our clients

Treasury management

Our system helps you manage your external financing. All types of debt and interest derivatives can be managed in Escali Financials TMS

This includes bonds, mortgage loans, credit facilities, syndicated loans, and construction loans. But also, Future Rate Agreements and Interest swaps. The system calculates and posts automatically interest, installments, accruals, current portion of the debt, Mark-to-Market, and amortization. It also does all the interest fixes automatically.

It also gives you a good overview of your loan portfolio including collaterals, future cash flows, counterparty risk, average interest, duration, and yield.

Internal loans, financing, and hedging can also be managed in the system. Internal lending can be mirrored into an internal loan, so you only need to manage one loan. Loan agreements are also available directly from the system.

The system also has the functionality to manage other derivatives such as freight and oil derivatives.

Double accounting currencies are also an industry-specific feature developed for our shipping customers. If your main currency is USD, but the subsidiary uses EUR, all transactions are booked in both EUR and USD. This makes it easy to consolidate the data. Liquidity and payments are also central elements in our TMS.

TMS modules

The system keeps track of all the financial instruments used by energy companies.



Maturity on loans

Leasing contracts

Interest dericatives

FX derivatives

Short-term liquidity instruments

Time deposits

Bank deposits




But it is also possible to enable other cash flows

The system is fully integrated with your ERP system

Includes IFRS features

Delivered with modern dashboards and automatic interest fixing.

Internal bank

Internal loans, financing and hedging can also be managed in the system. 

An internal lending can be mirrored as internal dept, so you only need to manage one loan. Loan agreements are also available directly from the system.

Leasing contracts

The leasing module in Escali Financials handles all leases.

We handle all aspect regarding leases for both the lessor and the lessee. This also includes calculation and book-keeping of debt and right-to-use in the balance sheet, calculation of implied interest and present value, changes in contracts and options.

A user-friendly solution


The interface is intuitive, and the menus are tailored for your requirements and needs. The system is easy to understand and learn.

Office friendly

Fully integrated with MS Office, you can easily export or link data to Excel or Power BI.


The SQL database technology makes it easy to integrate with a Data Warehouse or BI-Solution.

The SQL database technology makes it easy to integrate with a Data Warehouse or BI-Solution.

No installation

No installations are needed. The system is delivered in the cloud, as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and support is included.

Tailored treasury management

We specialize in the following industries:

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Connect with us to learn how we can help you with Treasury Management.